OSINT Blog / Post

October 16, 2024

OSINT Live 2024 Recap: Top Takeaways

Our third annual OSINT Live event has officially wrapped. Like in previous years, the sessions delivered a wealth of actionable insights and vital knowledge for OSINT practitioners across industries. If you missed it or want to revisit the highlights, we’ve compiled takeaways from each of the sessions that we felt particularly stood out.

Uncovering Digital Footprints

Presenter: Nathaniel Fried, CEO of OSINT Industries

Nathaniel explored various methods for uncovering hidden online accounts using both phone numbers and email addresses. He shared insights into how investigators can employ both manual and automated techniques to scale their account discovery efforts and how digital footprinting is becoming a cornerstone of modern OSINT investigations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nathaniel demonstrated how phone numbers and email addresses can be pivotal in identifying unknown accounts across a variety of online platforms. By focusing on these key data points, investigators can paint a detailed picture of a subject’s digital footprint, which they can then comb through for additional insights.
  • He emphasized the use of automation to streamline the account discovery process. Automation can drastically reduce the time required to sift through data, allowing investigators to focus on more nuanced tasks.
  • Real-world examples highlighted how this approach helps investigators uncover critical information in complex cases, like how a corporate security team was able to crack down on misuse of company email addresses and prevent potential reputational damage.

Building an Effective Research Environment with GitHub Tools

Presenter: Gary Ruddell, Co-Founder of Switchfire

Gary’s session aimed to demystify the use of GitHub tools and command-line utilities for OSINT investigators. His goal was to empower even non-technical professionals to enhance their research environments through these tools.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gary walked the audience through a step-by-step process for installing and using essential GitHub tools, addressing common hurdles for investigators who may not be comfortable with coding or command-line operations.
  • He explained how these tools can be leveraged to automate repetitive tasks, making large-scale data analysis more manageable and accessible to investigators. The automation of tasks such as data scraping or processing significantly increases productivity.
  • Additionally, he highlighted specific tools available on GitHub that are particularly useful for OSINT investigations, providing practical tips on how to integrate them into everyday research workflows.

Leveraging AI for Geolocation

Presenter: Daniel Heinen, Founder of GeoSpy.AI

Daniel’s presentation focused on how artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance geolocation efforts. He demonstrated how AI tools can quickly and accurately identify geographic locations based on image analysis, even when metadata is not available.

Key Takeaways:

  • Daniel introduced AI-driven tools capable of analyzing images to determine potential geographic locations, which can be incredibly useful for investigators when metadata is unavailable or insufficient. This capability can be critical in tracking down individuals or verifying the authenticity of content.
  • By combining AI with manual geolocation techniques, investigators can achieve a higher level of precision in their findings. Daniel emphasized that AI tools should be viewed as a complement to traditional methods, enhancing overall investigative accuracy.
  • He shared case studies that illustrated how AI geolocation tools have drastically reduced the time and effort needed to locate specific areas, particularly in cases involving multiple locations or vast amounts of visual data.

Maintaining OSINT Research Accounts

Presenter: Jessica Smith, President & Founder of Clicksafe Intelligence

Jessica’s talk offered a deep dive into maintaining long-term OSINT research accounts, a critical aspect for investigators who need to remain anonymous and avoid detection during investigations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jessica emphasized the importance of creating and managing research accounts that can stay active without drawing attention from platform algorithms. Maintaining anonymity is crucial, especially for long-term investigations where detection could risk the validity of the account.
  • She shared best practices for account management, including rotating between multiple accounts, masking personal details, and utilizing secure browsing tools to ensure that research remains undetected. These steps are essential in preventing platforms from shutting down accounts prematurely.
  • Jessica also discussed the need to regularly update research tools and accounts to avoid detection by evolving platform algorithms. Staying ahead of these changes ensures that OSINT investigations can proceed uninterrupted.

Putting the INT Back in OSINT

Presenter: Micah Clark, Founder of Decision Space

Micah provided insights from his extensive track record in intelligence analysis, focusing on structured methods to improve decision-making and the overall efficiency of investigations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Micah stressed the importance of producing explainable OSINT findings that are not only actionable but can withstand scrutiny from both internal stakeholders and external authorities. Rigorous analysis is essential to ensure the credibility of OSINT-based reports.
  • He highlighted structured techniques for speeding up investigations without sacrificing accuracy. By implementing specific decision-making frameworks, investigators can streamline their processes and deliver results faster.
  • Micah concluded by discussing the importance of continuous training and development for OSINT professionals. Staying current with emerging trends, tools, and techniques is critical for maintaining a competitive edge in this rapidly evolving field.

Thank you to our speakers for their valuable insights and to all who attended OSINT Live 2024. If you missed any sessions or would like to watch them again, the recordings are now available on-demand here. We look forward to welcoming you again at next year’s OSINT Live!

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