Actioning Publicly Available Information: The Top 5 Obstacles Facing The Intelligence Community

For intelligence professionals, incorporating publicly available data and information into their analysis is vital. The modern operating environment is awash in digital content from a wide array of sources, ranging from freely available information on social media platforms, blogs, and news articles to commercially available data requiring specialized…

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The Hidden Costs of Ignoring Crime: Why Your Business Needs a Security, Intelligence, or Investigation Team

Crime can have an expensive impact on businesses—and you face risk on all fronts, with internal and external actors causing U.S. businesses to hemorrhage funds.

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Fighting Fraud in the Public Sector

Fraud is an increasing and ever-present challenge to investigators, currently estimated to cost the global economy $5.127 trillion USD each year. Fraud comes in many forms, impacting insurance companies, consumers, corporations, and governments. In 2021, the FTC received 2.8 million fraud reports from consumers, amounting to more than $5.8 billion.

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Intelligence Function Architecture: A Blueprint for Building and Scaling an Effective Intelligence Unit

Intelligence has been used throughout history to gain an advantage over adversaries.

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The Intelligence Cycle: Generating OSINT from OSINF

The Intelligence Cycle is a structured process that outlines the steps involved in producing intelligence. Intelligence, most simply defined as information with added value, is the output of the intelligence cycle, where raw data and information flow into the process and emerge with value for the organization.

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OSINT is the New Black Ops: Intelligence in a “Post-Truth” Information Age

Post-truth information inhabits the grey space between fact and fiction. It is where slippage between truth, “alt-facts”, opinions, and beliefs creates a treacherous informational landscape, and objective truth remains evasive. Such an environment spells trouble for any industry that depends on granular coverage of objective facts to make informed…

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