Don't Delete Your Posts!
When it comes to social media evidence, ensure you follow the rules.
Continue ReadingPrivate Investigators & Social Media:
Learn about the do’s and don’ts of private investigators and how they use social media.
Continue ReadingSocial Media as a Tool for Law Enforcement
Check out how social media is used by law enforcement.
Continue ReadingEthical Points to Consider in a Court of Law
Social media exists to share personal details of your every day lives with the world. From photos of reunions and birthdays to updates on what’s going on in your life, your social media use provides details about your life that you ordinarily wouldn’t share with the world. It’s a unique medium that hadn’t existed previously. However, with new…
Continue ReadingLitigation Uses Social Media Discovery
Find out how social media discovery can be used in litigation.
Continue ReadingHow Social Media is Used to Catch Criminals
Use social media to help catch the bad guys.
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